Mrs. Larrabee

Hello! Here is a little background so all of you can get to know me better ...

My name is Mrs. Larrabee. I have been teaching at Escanaba High School for 15 years. I have a Secondary Education Major in Biology and Minor in Chemistry. Additional endorsements on my teaching certificate include General Science. I earned a Master's Degree from Northern Michigan University in Education Administration. I am very passionate about science education and I look forward to sharing that with all of you. 

On a personal level, my husband, Sam, and I have two wonderful little boys.   I enjoy running and hiking, or going on nature walks. Running is my stress relief, my zen! I also enjoy spending time with my five sisters and three brothers. "Sisterly time" is always filled with laughter and fun! Sam and I have many nieces and nephews that we enjoy hanging out with!  I also love country music.  Simple things in my life are the most enjoyable and most memorable. 

I hope you enjoy my class. I am looking forward to teaching all of you. Enjoy this year!